Waking up at the gentle smell of aroma of freshly brewed premium coffee beans is heaven. The aroma of coffee in the air can help kick-start our energy and set our mind to focus on today’s task, thus boosting our productivity.
Fortunately, numerous researches were conducted and all of them either found no negative side effects for drinking coffee or discovered that coffee actually provides various health benefits. According to nutrition data provided by USDA, a single cup of coffee contains several of the very important nutrients that our body needed such as riboflavin or vitamin B12, pantothenic acid or vitamin B5, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and niacin.
Freshly brewed coffee is packed with many antioxidant properties that could be associated with preventing many degenerative diseases such as liver cirrhosis and other liver diseases, type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and cardiovascular diseases. In a Harvard study, coffee can also help fight depression, one of a serious mental disorder that caused a significantly reduced quality of life along with reduced suicide risk.
Such goodness in a cup, right?
But, wait, there’s more! Coffee can help lower the risk of having cancer. Let us get down into more detailed information.
Coffee contains many antioxidants
Antioxidants fight free radicals that cause oxidative stress that leads to many diseases such as heart disease, cancer development, and others, thus helping in slowing some cell damage. Higher doses of antioxidants can be a great help in keeping our cells healthy and prevent the onset of many diseases especially cancer. The benefit of these antioxidants was found in 4 to 6 cups of brewed black coffee a day, which is exciting news for the coffee lovers.
Caffeine protection properties
Many studies were conducted that supports the ability of caffeine in coffee to lower the risk of cancers.
Basically, caffeine has the ability to stimulate the central nervous system through adenosine receptors and monoamine neurotransmitters. This is very important especially in treating lung cancer because caffeine inhibits a couple of proteins found in lung cancer cells.
Similarly, The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published a recent study that the caffeine found in coffee prevents the risk of developing skin cancer or cutaneous melanoma, the fifth most common cancer in the United States.
Additionally, a study conducted by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute showed that drinking at least two cups of caffeinated coffee lowers the risk of colon cancer and increases the chance of surviving the illness.
Also, recent studies by the American Association for Cancer Research showed that 3 cups of coffee a day can significantly reduce the risk of onset of hepatocellular carcinoma by 29%. Thus, coffee lowers the risk of having liver cancer.
Moreover, drinking 3 to 6 cups a day can help prevent the risk of developing a brain tumour, oral, prostate, breast, and uterine cancer along with endometrial cancer that kills about 10,000 women in the United States each year.
So, now we have more reasons to drink coffee. For more quality healthy premium organic coffee beans, check out Palinoia Coffee.