5 innovative ideas of what to do with your coffee grinds
If you’re a coffee lover, you know that the key to a great cup of coffee is using freshly ground beans. But what do you do with the coffee grinds after making a coffee? You could just toss them in the garbage, or you could get creative and find other uses for them. Here are some ideas on what to do with coffee grinds.
1. Compost them. Coffee grinds are full of nutrients that can help your garden thrive. Just mix in your coffee grinds with your regular compost and you’ll be good to go.
2. Make a scrub. Coffee grinds are a great exfoliant for your skin. Just combine coffee grinds with some coconut oil and you’ve got an all-natural exfoliating scrub.
3. Keep your fridge smelling fresh. Coffee grinds make a great deodorizer. Just put a few tablespoons of coffee grinds in a bowl and set it in the back of your fridge. The coffee grinds will absorb any odors and keep your fridge smelling nice and fresh.
4. Clean your pots and pans. Coffee grinds can be a great natural way to cut through grease and grime on your cookware. Just sprinkle some grinds onto a damp sponge and scrub away.
5. Use them as fertilizer. Coffee grinds are full of nitrogen, calcium, and magnesium, which are all essential nutrients for healthy plants. Just sprinkle some around the base of your plants and you’ll give them a boost.
So there you have it! Next time you make a cup of Palinioa Coffee, don’t just toss the grinds in the trash. Get creative and find another use for them. You’ll be doing the environment a favor and you might even find a new hobby in the process.