More to Love About Nutritious Coffee Beans

More to Love About Nutritious Coffee Beans

Palinoia Coffee is specially crafted for maximum health benefits

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is a brewed drink that is prepared from roasting coffee beans. What makes coffee even more loved is its caffeine content. Coffee is less known for its high antioxidant properties. 

There are more beneficial compounds found in coffee beans. Some of the other antioxidants found in coffee beans include chlorogenic acid, diterpenes, trigonelline, melanoidins, quinines, and many others. These beneficial compounds vary depending on the type of coffee beans used, degree it is roasted, and the method it is brewed. 

Here is a closer look at the antioxidant contents of coffee beans:

Chlorogenic Acid

Coffee beans are rich in chlorogenic acid or CGA properties. Chlorogenic acid helps in the reduction of high blood pressure in humans. For this reason, drinking coffee helps in the reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. Palinoia Coffee offers coffee beans with the highest chlorogenic acid content. You can be sure that you get the best health benefits with our chlorogenic-filled coffee beans. 


Cafestol is a bile acid modulator in the intestine. Even after decaffeination, the cafestol compound in coffee beans is still present. Cafestol is a potent anti-inflammatory substance in the brain that can help in memory improvement. 


If you are wondering where coffee got its unique aroma from, trigonelline contributes to that distinct smell we all love. Trigonelline is a coffee bean’s bitter alkaloid that is an antibacterial that helps in dental caries prevention.

Trigonelline content is lessened the darker the roast of the coffee is. Trigonelline partially degraded when roasting to form nicotinic acid and pyridines. Nicotinic acid or Vitamin B3 (niacin) is also popular as an antioxidant. You can obtain vitamin B3 when 85 percent of trigonelline decomposes during roasting at 160 to 230 degrees Celsius. Temperature matters over the length of roasting when opting to benefit from coffee beans. 


The unique smell of roasted coffee comes from its melanoidin content. It is a brown coloured and nitrogenous coffee compound. When coffee beans are roasted, high molecular weight compounds are formed and they carry properties that are both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial


Coffee has tiny amounts of quinine content and it is approved by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA). Quinine is a bitter compound in coffee and it also provides antioxidant properties. When coffee is roasted significantly, quinine as an antioxidant becomes more potent. 

Hydroxycinnamic acid

Hydroxycinnamic acid is the most active antioxidant properties found in coffee beans among the other phenols. Adverse effects of oxidative stress can be curbed with the aid of hydroxycinnamic acid as a  strong oxidising agent that neutralises free radicals. 

Coffee beans are a healthy antioxidant solution with the many antioxidant compounds they possess. Coffee beans are antioxidant winners in terms of the components that bring forth many health benefits to us. 
If you are looking for coffee beans with major amounts of chlorogenic acid, look no further. Check out Palinoia Coffee for the best selection of healthy and anti-oxidant-boosted coffee beans. With Palinoia Coffee, you get the best value for money with coffee beans so rich, healthy, and always delicious!