6 Healthy Sugar Substitutes You Should Try

6 Healthy Sugar Substitutes You Should Try

We all have our own favourite mix of coffee. With a variety of possible additions, you can’t help but wonder what new flavours you can introduce to your regular cup of coffee. From dairies, spices or sweeteners, there are plenty of ingredients to choose from. They may even come with terrific health benefits!

For this article, we will focus on one of the most versatile ingredients: Sugar. As one of the most frequently added ingredients in most coffee recipes, sugar is the most accessible sweetener for the beverage. However, plain granulated sugar alone may not be the healthiest option out there. There are several alternatives that you can try. Isn’t it exciting to know how much you can experiment to find your new personal favourite mix of coffee?

Healthy Sugar Substitutes

Honey – Honey is also one of the most accessible ingredients out there. Most importantly, it is also one of the healthiest alternatives for coffee sweeteners. Packed with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, Honey brings a new flavour to your traditional cup of coffee that is definitely worth trying.

Cinnamon – Want to bring in a new flavour that will distinctly change the whole taste of your coffee? Cinnamon is your best choice. Not only does it sweeten your coffee, but it will also help you fight off infections while improving your blood sugar levels at the same time!

Vanilla – Before you say vanilla is boring, you might want to think again. Vanilla is actually a healthy alternative for sugar! Adding vanilla to your drink will give it a newly distinct flavour and enough sweet sensations for you to not add anything more!

Stevia Extract – Looking for a sugar substitute that has tons of health benefits? Stevia is for you. This healthy alternative is packed with benefits that may help you in lowering your blood sugar level from drinking coffee. It’s organic and has high digestive tolerance. What more can you ask for?

Cocoa – Everyone loves the taste of chocolate. Excitingly enough, you can add this widely loved flavour to your coffee! Cocoa gives your cup of coffee the sweetness it needs while giving it a hint of chocolatey goodness. This alternative is also packed with natural antidepressant and mood elevators, perfect for giving you the mental health benefits that you need.

Maple Syrup – Ah, what screams breakfast more than a good old fashion pancake drenched in maple syrup! But have you tried adding the syrup to your cup of coffee instead? If you haven’t, you might want to give it a try. Maple Syrup is one of the healthiest out there. It gives the all-natural sweetness without compromising your health and flavour at the same time.

As you can see, there are a lot of sugar substitutes that you should definitely try. Which one of these sparked your curiosity? Leave your comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

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