Preventing Illnesses by Drinking Coffee

Preventing Illnesses by Drinking Coffee

With the many health benefits that coffee has to offer; it can be considered as a “superfood.” Coffee is packed with caffeine and antioxidants that make it useful in removing toxins and helps in preventing many diseases. Multiple researches and studies prove that coffee is indeed more than just your average morning beverage.

Spare your time and read on about the many diseases that coffee is beneficial too. If you are a coffee drinker, celebrate now. If you are not, start including coffee into your daily routine. Drink up your favourite coffee beverage and think of it as a preventive measure in keeping your body away from many diseases. Here are the diseases that coffee helps prevent:

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a common cause of dementia. This disease has no cure yet. But as they say, prevention is always better than cure. And that is where coffee comes in. Studies show that people who drink three to five cups of coffee a day in their midlife were associated with the decreased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease by about 65% in their later life. Thanks to the antioxidants found in coffee, inflammation, and damage to the brain cells are reduced. Drinking this beverage also boosts the cognitive function of the brain.

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is one of the most common cancers that affect people in the world. A Dana-Farber Cancer Institute study shows that consuming four or more coffee cups in a day can aid in the prevention of colon cancer from recurring. There is 42% less chance of the colon cancer to return if you drink coffee at this amount and you are reduced by 33% from dying from cancer.

Parkinson’s Disease

Just like Alzheimer’s disease, there is no cure for Parkinson’s. This nervous system degenerative disease affects a person’s movement. Studies show that people who drink coffee are less likely to develop Parkinson’s. If you have the disease, caffeine aids in easing the symptoms and helps in controlling the body’s movements.

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Based on a study from Keio University in Tokyo, breast cancer resistant protein in cancer cell lines are induced by coffee. Another study from Sweden shows that post-menopausal women who drank coffee had a lower risk of non-hormone responsive breast cancer. High intake of coffee with more than five cups a day will result in the most reduced risk.

Type II Diabetes

Diabetes is another prevalent disease in the world. 90% of people living with diabetes have Type II. This is a lifelong disease that can result in many other serious illnesses. It is vital to take preventive measures to prevent this disease. American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry reports that Type II diabetes risk is lowered by 50% when people consume four or more cups of coffee per day.

There is more to drinking coffee than just enjoying its delicious taste and aroma. Coffee is superb in all essence of the word. Drinking coffee can help in the assurance of a healthier lifestyle and a life reduced from the risk of many health problems and diseases. Enjoy coffee in its organic form from Palinoia Coffee. Visit Palinoia Coffee to check out the best and healthiest coffee in  Australia.